Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Photos from Bluebird Playtest

Playtested the second iteration of the mega-game today in class with Mark and Sean. Notes and thoughts are coming; first, here is the playtest in pictures.

I read out the response of one of the characters to the investigators' probing.

Here is the setup of theory cards that I pulled from as the players discovered more information.

Sean and Mark discuss their strategy regarding the logic-puzzle portion of the game.

The investigation's Big Board, reflecting current theories and topics of interest.

Sean and Mark try to shed light on the complicated relationships between characters.

Here's a small part of the whiteboard space I used when putting together the prototype.

I thought this playtest was enormously helpful. It illuminated some of the serious problems with this system and helped define an appropriate scope for the content. It also raised a number of questions about how the cooperative action between players will work when the prototype is taken into the digital realm. (Thank you, Elizabeth, for taking pictures during the test.)

1 comment:

  1. Also, worth noting that Sean P. was waiting for a big reveal at the end.

    Later, when I saw "Poli Dad kills Op son," on the thesis lab board, I wished it had come true in the prototype! Drama!
